Established in 1997, Credit Firm has been helping consumers improve their credit scores for over 20 years. Founded by a team of attorneys specializing in consumer credit and FCRA violations, our team has the knowledge and wherewithal to advocate on your behalf against the credit reporting agencies and credit furnishers in order to achieve the type of results that will allow you to build a strong financial foundation and move toward a more prosperous future.
We combine affordable monthly payments, superior results, and award winning customer service to deliver the best possible credit repair experience to our clients.
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Our legal staff reviews your credit reports, analyzes the information reporting in each account trade-line, and puts together an Action Plan to address the negative issues in your credit reports and increase your credit scores.
Credit Repair Process Begins
We initiate investigations with the 3 credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) as well as collection agencies, Lexis Nexis, and other credit furnishers to remove as much derogatory information from your credit reports as possible by leveraging consumer protection laws such as the FACTA, FCRA, FDCPA, FCBA, and HIPAA medical privacy laws.
CreditFirm.net uses every legal tool and procedure allowable by law to remove as much derogatory information as possible from your credit reports and increase your credit scores.
Call 800-750-1416 for a FREE Consultation
Our mission is to provide industry-leading credit repair and superior customer service at an affordable price to help consumers with credit issues restore their credit and build strong credit foundations upon which they can achieve their financial goals and move toward the best possible future.
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What is your credit costing you?
Bad credit closes doors and limits consumers to obtaining financing through sub-prime means resulting in excessively high-interest rates and towering monthly payments.
Just look at the difference good credit makes.
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A Better Life
Low-interest rate mortgage
Apartment with no security deposit
Low-interest rate credit cards
Low-interest/No Down Payment Auto Loans
Have extra money at the end of the month
Low Auto Insurance rates
Qualify for a low-interest Personal Loan
Qualify for an SBA Loan to start a business
More employment opportunities
Find out why 97% of our clients refer us to friends and family
Find another credit repair company that’s going to file an investigation with the CFPB or contact the OCC on your behalf.
Go ahead, we’ll wait…
Now, find a company that’s going to do everything we do for $50 a month…
Most credit repair companies don’t go beyond sending a few dispute letters every 30-60 days.
If that’s all you’re looking for you can find hundreds of other credit repair companies to do just that.
But, if all you want is for someone to send dispute letters, save yourself some money – spend 3 stamps and use one of the thousands of free generic dispute letters found online to dispute your negative accounts yourself.
If you decide that you want to hire a company to leverage EVERY consumer protection law available and use EVERY tool in the credit repair toolbox… we’re here to help.
Call 800-750-1416 or Sign Up online »

“WOW! 726 Credit Score My loan officer was blown away when he saw my credit. Just 6 months ago, my score was in the 560’s. I love the feeling of having great credit, people just treat you differently. I got my house, and it’s all thanks to you.” Houston, TX

My Credit Scores on 10/12/2011: Experian: 556 Equifax: 560 TransUnion: 477 My Credit Scores on 4/5/2012: Experian: 691 (+135) Equifax: 665 (+105) Trans-Union: 686 (+209) Enough said, THANK YOU! Elgin, IL

I appreciate all your efforts. Inna – you’re a doll! Talk to you soon and take care. Houston, TX

Ever since my divorce, my credit score has plummeted. I was barely able to pay for my house because my ARM came due and couldn’t get it refinanced due to my credit. With your help, I was able to increase my score, get refinanced, and save home. I even had enough money left over every…

Thank you for doing what Lexington Law couldn’t. I really appreciate you guys going above and beyond with helping me get my credit scores up. I finally bought a house and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much! Las Vegas, NV

Can I borrow your magic wand? You must have one, after removing the the late payments from my Capital One account and deleting $8,000 of collections. I finally have a CLEAN credit history!!! So seriously, can I borrow the magic wand? Please, I’ll give it back. Las Vegas, NV

Thank you so much for helping Brenda. I really appreciate all you have done for her. I hope you realize how u impact people’s lives. I hope you and Brenda keep going on her credit and continue to raise her score and teaching her healthy spending habits! Keeping her on track! (Very important) Thanks again…

I didn’t really know what to expect when I started this process. But I have to say, you guys are REALLY GOOD at what you do. How you deleted that $13,000 collection for my timeshare, I have no idea. Keep up the good work. Brooklyn, NY

Happy to report that my Bankruptcy just came off… 3 years early! Charlotte, NC

27 negative accounts!! That’s how many accounts were deleted in the attached letter from Experian. l can’t believe you just did that. I feel 10 pounds lighter Chicago, IL
Professional Credit Repair Only $49.99 /month
Call 800-750-1416 or Sign Up online »
Late Payments
Public Records
Tax Liens