A foreclosure reporting on your credit report is obviously going to cause substantial issues to your credit scores but, the main issue most people face post-foreclosure is going to be finding a new place to live.
Most mortgage lenders will have consumers wait a minimum of 2 years before they will even consider them for a new mortgage and renting is going to be very difficult with a low credit score but, not impossible.
Although most management companies have strict guidelines for tenants applying for a residence, a private landlord may be more amenable to renting to someone after a foreclosure.
Make a personal appeal and explain your situation, if that doesn’t help you can always offer an extra month security deposit in order to sweeten the deal.
Now that you have a place to live you can focus on rebuilding your credit scores.
If you don’t have any active credit you will want to start re-establishing your credit by opening up a secured credit card. Pay your bills on time and carry a small utilization. Try stringing together 6 months of perfect payment history and you will see an improvement in your credit scores.
CreditFirm.net has helped thousands of clients improve their credit scores and move on with their lives after a foreclosure.
We have also helped many clients remove foreclosure accounts from their credit reports due to inaccurate information and other non-compliance issues.
If you have a foreclosure on your credit report, contact CreditFirm.net to find out how we can help fix your credit after a foreclosure and improve your credit scores.